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Message of All Days

In the forest, in the battle-field, in the midst of enemies, or waters, or fire,

in the great ocean or on the top of the mountain,

whether one is sleeping, or intoxicated, or in any danger,

the meritorious actions of the past alone protect a man.

If a man has the merits of the past,

the terrifying forest becomes his capital city;

all the people of the world become his citizens;

the entire earth with its aggregate treasures of gems and diamonds

becomes his.

Therefore always one should perform noble deeds which bestow merits.

Good evening. My name is Cain, i am a modern day hermit and this is my personal website. Recently, i've begun forgetting things. Very significant things, like most of my childhood, and even important life events and milestones. But those memories don't concern the scope of this page; Its purpose is instead to, if nothing else, at least remind an even more forgetful future me of the ideas, values, thoughts and opinions i held in the past.

I have always been a ghost, a spectator, an extra in the background of the story; And i don't see this as a bad thing, in fact, i've always been one to avoid trouble and standing out as much as possible, the nail that stands out is the one hammered down, after all. I mean only to explain why i'm unused to talking about myself.